Centro di Documentazione
«Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli»;

- Associazione Culturale -

Photo gallery - Part 2


photo gallery - part 1


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Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli
in the early years of his career

(Archivio CDABM)

An extraordinary photo of the young Maestro during the Competition in Brussels (1938). Michelangeli, on the left, won the seventh award. The winner was Emil Gilels (Archivio CDABM)

Michelangeli along with Alfred Cortot
and the composer Camillo Togni
(Gussago, Brescia, 1948)

(Archivio CDABM)

member of the jury
in Vercelli (Viotti Competition, 1961)

(Archivio CDABM)

Michelangeli and Armando Trovajoli
(Archivio CDABM)

Michelangeli in Arezzo (1962) with his pupils Franco Gei, Lidia Kozubek,
Pauline O'Connor, An-Li Pang and Ennio Pastorino

(Archivio CDABM)

Michelangeli loved folk songs of mountains: in this rare image he is directing
the renowned SAT Choir

(Archivio CDABM)

Michelangeli and his pupil
Renato Premezzi
(Moncalieri, Turin, 1961)

(Archivio CDABM)

Michelangeli and the mayor of Brescia,
Bruno Boni (Brescia, 1960s)

(Archivio CDABM)

Michelangeli with the Pope Paul VI (Rome, 1966)
(Archivio CDABM)

The Maestro in concert
(Archivio CDABM)

A vintage photo of Michelangeli in 1965
(Archivio CDABM)

Michelangeli in the late 1970s
(© Deutsche Grammophon; Photo by Annette Lederer)

Michelangeli in the early 1980s
(© Deutsche Grammophon; Photo by Jörg Reichardt)

Michelangeli during his recital
in Tokyo (September 1992)

(© Photo by Koichi Miura)

Michelangeli's last recital:
Hamburg, May 7, 1993

(© Photo by Simon Friedemann)

Another photo of Michelangeli's last recital:
Hamburg, May 7, 1993

(© Photo by Simon Friedemann)

Deutscher Text

English version


Copyright: Centro di Documentazione «Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli».
(Revised: April, 2009)